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Liner material thickness is measured in mils or 1000ths of an inch. Inland Tarp & Liner (ITL) carries a wide range of liner materials to fit almost any application. Our standard liner materials are a 12mil, 16mil, 20mil, 24mil, 30 Mil LT and 30mil Coated Woven Polyethylene material that is black on both sides. We also carry a 30mil and 40mil LLDPE (linear low-density polyethylene) in both smooth and textured surfaces and a geomembrane material in a 8 ounce Felt.
Our material is made from a black woven polyethylene material. This product generally has a low density coating of 1.5 to 2.5 mil thick on either side of a high density woven scrim. The woven scrim provides great tensile and tear strength properties while the coating gives this product the ability to container liquid. Polyethylene in general has great chemical resistance properties which makes this product a good choice for specific short term applications. Always check to ensure the product you are containing is compatible with the liner material you have chosen.
Woven Coated Polyethylene is made from woven HDPE tapes known as “base fabric” or “scrim” which provide high tear strengths and puncture resistance. The HDPE scrim is coated on both sides with LDPE to provide flexible barriers to contain liquid. Standard products are three ply - that is 1 scrim layer with coating on top and bottom.
UV Accelerated Weathering. More than 90% strength retained after 2,000 hours exposure.
*ASTM D1777 Option 1. All values are +/- 10% and are not intended as limiting specifications.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is provided for reference purposes only and is not intended as a warranty or guarantee. Final determination of suitability for application is the sole responsibility of the user. These values are based on testing results from past fabric runs. Each production run varies in final results. If a certain specified value is required, please inform ITL in advance and we can provide current testing results. Last updated November 22, 2011.
1.) For accurate measurements measure your ponds widest width, longest length and deepest depth (in feet). Enter those dimensions in the boxes provided.
2.) Every pond should have an anchor trench to prevent the liner from sliding down the slope and into the pond. We recommend no less than a 12" wide and 12" deep anchor trench. The deeper the pond the larger the anchor trench.
3.) All liners have some degree of expansion and contraction as the ambient temperature changes from summer to winter and back to summer. Therefore, liners must be installed with some slack ripples. A liner that is installed tight without these slack ripples can trampoline in the base and corners- in turn creating a liner failure. A liner installed in a colder climate or at a cooler time of day will require more slack ripples. We recommend adding 1' to 3' to each side of your final measurement to accomodate for this requirement.
A base shall be prepared on the bottom and slopes of the area to be lined. This base shall be free of all sharp objects, roots, grass and vegetation. Unsuitable material (1/2" diameter or larger) found during the pre-installation inspection by the installer shall be removed prior to the installation of the liner.
The base (subgrade) material shall be native materials or materials obtained from a borrow source compacted to a minimum 95% compaction or an approved construction fabric of at least 100 mils thickness, weighing 8 oozes. per square yard with a grab tensile strength of at least 275 lbs. per square inch and a Mullen burst strength of at least 450 pounds per square inch, which will provide a finished sub grade suitable for the flexible membrane lining.
Foreign materials, vegetation, protrusions, voids, cracks and other penetrating or raised sources shall by removed from the sloping areas as well as the base. Loose rocks, rubble and other foreign matter shall be collected and deposited in the appropriate site out of the area to be lined. The excavated and filled areas shall be trimmed to elevations and contours shown on the drawings and shall be smooth, uniform and free of all foreign matter, vegetation and sudden changes in grade.
A pre-installation inspection shall be called for and ALL interested parties, including governmental agencies, shall be present for this inspection. Any parties not participating in this inspection shall be construed as accepting the site preparation and will acknowledge this defacto acceptance in writing at the appropriate time .
RPE geomembrane may be covered by soil if desired. In areas of high traffic or areas with a high water table covering the entire liner is often recommended.
Care should be taken when covering the liner to prevent any damage to the geomembrane or geosynthetics. At no time will construction equipment be allowed to drive directly on the liner. Access roads for soil cover should be maintained to provide 6” minimum, 12” preferable, between the excavation equipment and liner at all times. Damage to the liner, shall be repaired prior to proceeding with cover. Costs associated with repairs are the contractor’s responsibility.
**Cover material shall be 1\2” minus particles, clean rounded soils or gravels free of sharp edges, sticks, rubbish and debris or foreign materials. The cover material shall be placed as soon as practical, upon completion of the liner installation, or in conjunction with, as the installation progresses to minimize traffic.
When applicable, cover soils should be dumped and leveled over the liner and not pushed from one end to the other to minimize rolling of the geomembrane beneath the soils. Cover soil should always be placed from the base up on slopes never pushed from the top of the slope downwards. Equipment should be turned in long sweeping turns and not spun quickly to eliminate the chance of digging down to the liner thru the cover soil.
When covering or initially filling a liner it is important not to lock the liner into the perimeter anchor trench prior to covering. This can cause undue stress and tension on the liner slopes during the covering process. The anchor trench or perimeter shelf area should be the last area covered to complete the cover process.
Woven Coated Polyethylene is made from woven HDPE tapes known as “base fabric” or “scrim” which provide high tear strengths and puncture resistance. The HDPE scrim is coated on both sides with LDPE to provide flexible barriers to contain liquid. Standard products are three ply - that is 1 scrim layer with coating on top and bottom.
Woven Coated Polyethylene is made from woven HDPE tapes known as “base fabric” or “scrim” which provide high tear strengths and puncture resistance. The HDPE scrim is coated on both sides with LDPE to provide flexible barriers to contain liquid. Standard products are three ply - that is 1 scrim layer with coating on top and bottom.
Woven Coated Polyethylene is made from woven HDPE tapes known as “base fabric” or “scrim” which provide high tear strengths and puncture resistance. The HDPE scrim is coated on both sides with LDPE to provide flexible barriers to contain liquid. Standard products are three ply - that is 1 scrim layer with coating on top and bottom.
Woven Coated Polyethylene is made from woven HDPE tapes known as “base fabric” or “scrim” which provide high tear strengths and puncture resistance. The HDPE scrim is coated on both sides with LDPE to provide flexible barriers to contain liquid. Standard products are three ply - that is 1 scrim layer with coating on top and bottom.
Woven Coated Polyethylene is made from woven HDPE tapes known as “base fabric” or “scrim” which provide high tear strengths and puncture resistance. The HDPE scrim is coated on both sides with LDPE to provide flexible barriers to contain liquid. Standard products are three ply - that is 1 scrim layer with coating on top and bottom.
Woven Coated Polyethylene is made from woven HDPE tapes known as “base fabric” or “scrim” which provide high tear strengths and puncture resistance. The HDPE scrim is coated on both sides with LDPE to provide flexible barriers to contain liquid. Standard products are three ply - that is 1 scrim layer with coating on top and bottom.
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Build Your Liner Now!Following some of these tips could extend the life and physical conditions of your product for a long time.
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